Friday 7 January 2011

Making Parrots Look Healthy...

Feeling marvellous - and looking so good I've been banished to sleep on the sofa so the bird doesn't catch my sore throat / cough / bad attitude. I can't help but see constant groans of sickness in about every status update online and going on the tube is like walking down a corridor of the damned. Maybe I was the only person actually giving a shit by putting a scarf over my face on the filthy wagons of London Underground. I blame the scumbag caaaants sneezing into the air and coughing up their shit without a care in the world. That pisses me right off. When I went to Cuba, when the world was shitting itself about Swine Flu, you got off the plane and got scanned by a machine to see if you were giving off crazy heat, which meant you were probably quite under the weather. Lets do it on the tube. Scan every wheezing, spluttering and sneezing commuter - if they're warm, lockem up. No more scumbags spreading their shit on public transport, problem solved.

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